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Methuen City Hall

Methuen City Hall

Methuen Civil War Monument

Methuen Civil War Monument

Tenney Castle, aka Grey Court.

Tenney Castle, aka Grey Court.

Methuen Memorial Music Hall

Methuen Memorial Music Hall

Odd Fellows Hall

Odd Fellows Hall

Terracotta Architectural Detail

Terracotta Architectural Detail



David Nevins

David Nevins

Charles H. Tenney

Charles H. Tenney

Edward F. Searles

Edward F. Searles

Double click on the gallery above for information about these images.


Your support made a difference! Our city council voted unanimously to move forward with the purchase of our Searles Estate!

Thank you all for voicing your support of this historical decision by our City Council to protect the Searles Estate and its many treasures so that all can enjoy and discover this irreplaceable gem in our city--for generations to come. Thank you to our CIty Council, Mayor Perry, Office of Community and Economic Development, State Representative Hamilton, to so many who spoke at and attended the City Council meeting.

Thank you to the 3,430 individuals who signed our online petition! We are thrilled that the Searles Estate and its artistic treasures will be protected and preserved for all.

We certainly made history—together!

Enjoy this video highlighting the beauty of the Searles Estate!



The Methuen Historical Society (MHS) is committed to protecting and maintaining the rich historical character of Methuen through advocacy, education, outreach, and the preservation of historical records, artifacts, structures, and monuments that are unique to our city. The MHS believes that the preservation of our past enhances the lives of those who live in and visit Methuen today, and for generations to follow. We appreciate the support of our members and supporters who share our common goals.


Please contact us if you have any questions, comments or if you'd like to know how you can participate. Thank you!

Coming soon—Historic Methuen
We're currently working on our new website for Historic Methuen!

We'll send our members a notice as soon as we launch the new site which will reflect our new name, Historic Methuen. The site will include updated content, frequent posts on Methuen history, Q&A, preservation news and resources, and interactive features.

We're planning to launch the new site this month!


Check out the latest post from our
President, Maureen Pollard, entitled
It's Been a Busy Year. 


Become a Member!

Your support is important to us!

Preserving Our Past Together

Methuen Cemetery Inventory Project

Meetinghouse Hill Cemetery
Inventory Complete and Now Available Online!

Thanks to a dedicated group of dedicated volunteers, this historic Methuen cemetery has been inventoried, and headstones have been identified, cleaned, and repaired. 


Newsletter library  We hope you enjoy reading about recent MHS events and ongoing projects.

Fall 2020

Click here to view the pdf.

Screen Shot Fall2021 newsletter.png

Fall 2021

Click here to view the pdf.



Methuen Historical Society

P.O. Box 52, Methuen, MA 01844

Tel: 978-683-2252

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